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Member of The Guild of Food Writers

The world’s most expensive cocktail?…plus a Christmas lunch goodie

Diamonds are Forever Cocktail at the Burj Al ArabDubai; Could it be the world’s most expensive cocktail? Well with a name like ‘Diamonds Are Forever’ you would think so. The cocktail tipple mixes a limited edition French Brut champagne blend with 24 carat pure gold flakes, L’Heraud Grand Champagne Cognac 1906, Jerry Thomas decanter bitters and a gold leaf sugar stick – served in a Swarovski cocktail glass complete with crystal beads in the stem that you get to take home for a staggering price of AED 4,950. Dubai bling at its best.

If you hadn’t guessed, it’s a Burj Al Arab mixology concoction – but believe it or not, the Guinness World Record crown goes to another cocktail in London at an even more incredulous AED 32,471. For what it’s worth Diamonds are Forever is the Middle East’s most expensive cocktail…not an accolade we should be shouting about here I expect. With that price tag I suspect you won’t be rushing to the Burj for that tipple anytime soon (even though I must say it’s addictively good), so I suggest you make your own if you don’t mind passing on the gold. Here’s my great uncle’s recipe, a special occasion aperitif for when I used to visit him in Cheltenham – mix 15ml cognac, 115ml champagne, a dash of angostura bitters and a pinch of brown sugar or even better a sugar cube (per cocktail). Be warned FooDiva speaks from experience, it’s a helluva lethal concoction.

Burj Al Arab - Gold Chocolate LogFor an edible something that’s a little more affordable, try the Burj Al Arab’s gold Christmas chocolate log with layers of cacao streusel, lemon and Tahitian vanilla compote, chocolate mousse and an ivory Dulce de leche mousse – all encased in a 22-24 carat gold leaf mould which is safe to eat passing through the digestive tract without being absorbed. Well FooDiva survived! One log serving up to eight people costs AED 500 – a Christmas gift for sweet tooth foodies perhaps?

Click here for a list of the Burj Al Arab’s festive season celebrations. T; +971 4 3017600. E;

Al Badia PicnicI was hoping to share a few Christmas lunch goodies with you in this post, but despite trawling through my inbox, there’s only one deal that truly stands out as a little bit different…so if you’re in doubt about what to do this Christmas, my bet’s on an al fresco BBQ picnic brunch on the lawns of Al Badia Golf Club by Intercontinental Dubai Festival City. Picnic basket aside, there’s a grill station including roasted chestnuts, a pork haven, candy land and cheese display, plus a festive themed selection of turkey, foie gras, gingerbread, yule log, Christmas pudding and mince pies. FooDiva’s done the picnic before and if you’re adverse to kicking off your sandals and sprawling over the grass with a low level Japanese style table, regular table seating is available. Best bit is the prices have not been inflated for Christmas. December 25, 2012, 12 – 4 pm. AED 295 with soft drinks, AED 395 with selected house beverages, AED 525 with Laurent Perrier champagne, AED 145 for kids 6-12 yrs old. T; +971 4 7011127. E;

Also do look out for Lime & Tonic’s festive events on their website including a fabulous yacht cruise on New Year’s Eve. It doesn’t come cheap though!

What are your plans for Christmas and New Year? And your favourite festive tipple?

A bientôt.

FooDiva. x

P.S – Disclosure; FooDiva was a guest at the Burj Al Arab’s festive media preview along with My Custard Pie (click here for her post). I may have been plied with copious cocktails, but rest assured the views expressed here are my honest opinion alone.

P.P.S – On the subject of gold, thanks to your votes of confidence, FooDiva scooped gold for the UAE in the Expat Blog Awards. A heartfelt thank you – truly much appreciated!

P.P.P.S – If you’re looking to order in this Christmas, check out fellow foodie blogger Ishita Unblogged’s post.

  • Posted under
    Cakes, Christmas, Cocktails, Dubai, Food Features, Hotels, Licensed, Restaurants, Umm Suqueim

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16 Responses to “The world’s most expensive cocktail?…plus a Christmas lunch goodie”

  1. Geordie Armani December 10, 2012 at 9:36 am

    I want to meet your Uncle 🙂 I love all things Christmas so thank you for making me feel all festive x

    • FooDiva December 10, 2012 at 2:50 pm

      Agh bless you GA. Sadly passed away a few years ago at a grand old age though – didn’t want to bring down the festive cheer in the post! x

  2. dave reeder December 10, 2012 at 12:40 pm

    ah, chanpagne cocktails and christmas! it was my late ex-father-in-law’s speciality and he’d begin mixing them by about 10.15am! late ex-mother-in-law was more partial to gin and tonic, which would start about 20 minutes later! it’s a wonder we ever got any food… have to say that a blingtastic cocktail at the burj seems a clever way of separating fools and their money!

    • FooDiva December 10, 2012 at 2:52 pm

      Must be a generation thing Dave. My great uncle’s were always a pre-lunch tipple, ie late morning. If there’s one hotel that will sell those cocktails, it’s certainly the Burj.

      • dave reeder December 10, 2012 at 2:54 pm

        but it must be a sugar cube – not loose sugar!

        • FooDiva December 11, 2012 at 1:55 pm

          Ooh yes even better have added that in!

  3. Kelly December 10, 2012 at 1:30 pm

    When I read such extravaganzas…I think of all those poor countries and people who do not have the necessary to live..let alone champagne cocktails of any kind!!!
    Christmas is the time to give, be it material stuff or our love! Dubai is a rich country and I hope there is abundance also in love and generosity.
    As for the gold award to Foodiva, congratulations as you deserve it for your hard work and integrity.

    • FooDiva December 10, 2012 at 2:54 pm

      Thanks Kelly. Very true – would be great to see the Burj Al Arab donate a portion of the cocktail sales to those less fortunate. x

  4. IshitaUnblogged December 10, 2012 at 4:55 pm

    Thanks for the shout out FooDiva… and yes, incredible though it may sound – really would lovce to atleast ‘sniff’ the concoction if not ‘sip’ it! I’m very sad to knwo that this is no more the world’s most expensive drink anymore. How could Dubai give away ‘the world’s most something-something glory to someone else? Do you think Burj-al-Arab could levy a surcharge to hike the cost?

    And what’s this Champagne cocktail? Your great Uncle is a genius – maybe could try mixing this up, at home ofcourse! Al Badia is very nice, specially with kids…

    May the festive spirit linger on… and thanks once again!

    • FooDiva December 11, 2012 at 1:58 pm

      Trust me Ishita if you loved the Pisco Sour you will ADORE this champagne cocktail – so decadently addictive. Try it at home! x

  5. OB December 10, 2012 at 11:52 pm

    Picture of that golden log is like a heart attack on a page. I just hope they haven’t used any sweetened condensed milk (yuck!) to make the dulce de leche. Question is will I be senile enough to part with my cash?

    • FooDiva December 11, 2012 at 2:02 pm

      I also hope they haven’t! The rules are portion control and share and share alike 😉

  6. Sally - My Custard Pie December 11, 2012 at 2:47 pm

    Still pinching myself that we went to this. It was the most surreal Christmas party I have ever been to. It would be amoral to ignore the contrast of this amount of extravagance (which I certainly am nowhere near affording personally) with the vast proportion of the world’s population. While it doesn’t preclude getting in the party spirit it certainly should be a time for giving to those most in need.

    • FooDiva December 11, 2012 at 5:06 pm

      Hard to beat this event for sure! I’d like to see the Burj donate some of the proceeds of the cocktail sales to a charity. x

  7. Tony C W December 18, 2012 at 2:42 am

    With this type of promotion, Dubai is living upto its reputation of being ‘the place to be’ for a real celebration at the end of every year.
    Also well done on getting Gold in the Expats Blogs Awards.

    • FooDiva December 19, 2012 at 7:14 pm

      Thanks Tony 🙂 Whether it’s Burj Al Arab or Burj Khalifa it certainly will be a new year to remember this year!

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