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The Ivy in Dubai, for one night only
2 commentsDubai; “Every night should be a party at The Ivy. You will never go to The Ivy and have a dull night,” – so says Fernando Peire, Director of The Ivy London in a FooDiva interview. And with these words in mind, The Ivy experience comes to Dubai for one night only on Wednesday March […]
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Greek-Cypriot delights
11 commentsNicosia; Unsurprisingly, holidays for me always revolve around good food, whether that’s discovering new eateries or returning to old haunts, and perhaps the odd home-cooked meal thrown in. Incase you’re looking to escape the U.A.E for a long weekend, Cyprus is only a 3.5 hour direct flight away and as it’s FooDiva’s home island, why […]
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